“Although our circumstances change for good or ill – who the Lord is and what he has done for us never changes. We can therefore rejoice in him always.”
“There are no excuses for sin, although there are reasons. But obedience is always a possibility and we can rejoice when that is the choice we make.”
“One would think that everybody (believers) would have the courage to speak (about Gospel) when there was no cause for fear. But there is no need for courage if there is nothing to fear. ”
“If our joy overflows, it means anyone nearby will get splashed with our joy. It means the joy in our hearts is coming out. Usually, people don’t like to be splashed, but to be splashed with another’s joy is wonderful. ”
“Gentleness is not only for those who are so naturally; not a quality just necessary for mothers or people who work with children or the sick and aged. It is a requirement for all of us if we are to live a life worthy of our Lord.”
“For to us, it has been granted not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for His sake, just like what Paul went through. Here is a promise we can claim!”
“Being joyful in the Lord is not something you do, but something you are.”
“What is the worst our enemies can do? Take our life? Then we are with the Lord. Let us live, but in terrible circumstances? We would still have the opportunity to share the Lord’s love with others. We can’t lose!”
“The rejoicing comes first and then the singing and dancing. It is very definitely not the other way around where you sing and dance with a bunch of instruments in order to create joy. ”
“If we want to be conformed to Christ, we must take the suffering and death as well as the resurrection and the glory.”
“To doubt God is undoubtedly the cause of being out of the will of God. ”
“When we feel hurt, it is because there is no ready forgiveness in our hearts. ”
“Somehow, we want the world to love us – but they can’t – they won’t without the light going.”
“ Can we, do we, look to God in our troubles and trials and state that He is our exceeding joy? We might have a hard time saying that God is our ‘exceeding joy’ in normal circumstances, much less during trials. Let us, come to Him and recognize that only He should hold that place in our hearts.”
“Our joy does not come through trying to be joyful; it comes when we obey Him.”
“If we accept our abundance but do not share with those in need, there is something wrong. We must always have an open hand policy – let the “Lord give and take away while blessing His name.””