Heather Jean was born in 1956 at the US Naval base in Yokosuka, Japan. Her dad, James Wilson, was an American Naval Officer and her mom, Elizabeth Dodds, a Canadian missionary in Japan. Shortly after her birth, her father resigned his commission to go into full-time Christian work in the US. They lived in Maryland, Michigan, and Idaho the rest of the time.
Growing up, she often interacted with missionaries from around the world, including Elizabeth Elliot and Corrie Ten Boom. Becoming a missionary was almost a default choice for her.
While studying history at the University of Idaho, she got involved with international students, most of whom were from Iran. She wanted to go to Iran as a missionary but due to the Islamic Revolution in 1979 doors were closed. Instead, she went on a mission trip to Egypt. After returning from there, it appeared to her that the Lord had been preparing her for Muslims in the Middle East. Accordingly, she chose to go to Turkey. While she was in Turkey, she was also able to go Pakistan where she aided Afghani refugees, specifically women and children.
When she was asked where and when the missionary part came in as she was an English teacher in Turkey, her response was “I once heard that it is not the 1000’s of miles that makes a missionary; rather it is the last few feet, from your heart to theirs. My job was to get to know people and share the gospel. Really not any different from what followers of our Lord should do anywhere.”
She lived and worked and shared the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins in Turkey. The concept of forgiveness of sins and God as Father and Love were foreign concepts to Muslims. It was indeed good news to hear that one’s sins can be forgiven, and not dependent on ritual prayers, almsgiving, fasting, a trip to Mecca, or jihad.
In 1989, she married Ararat Torosyan on one of the Princess Islands in the Marmara Sea - Istanbul, before moving to Los Angeles. After which time her mission field changed from Istanbul to LA. There was no lack of people in LA, or anywhere, in need of hearing about forgiveness of sins.
God later blessed her with three children, and 4 grandchildren until she was called to her heavenly home, to be with her beloved Lord and Savior, in December 2020.