“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.” Luke 12:48b
I grew up in a believing home. This was the beginning of the “Given much” mentioned in the verse above.
My mother had been a missionary in Japan before getting married, and after I was born my father resigned his commission in the Navy and went into full-time Christian work. When I was six years old I gave my heart to Jesus, knowing that I was a sinner who needed forgiving. This happened after evening devotions one evening when my mom asked me if I would like to do it. That event is still very clear in my mind.
When I hit my teens I can remember thinking that I didn’t remember a time when I didn’t know and love the Lord. The doubt came to my mind that maybe I was just like this naturally. How did I know that I was really saved? I couldn’t remember any change in my life at the time of conversion, in fact I remember very little from that time. I came to the conclusion that because of the work of God I had seen in my own life, unrelated to my salvation, and in the lives of others, that it was indeed true. I had given my life to Him, and He promised to change us, to give us new birth, therefore, since God doesn’t lie, I must indeed be saved.
It was very easy to get what amounted to a ‘free ride’ on my parents’ coattails. But once again I realized that much had been given to me in terms of a spiritual heritage and that God was going to expect fruit worthy of that. So in High School I started speaking out for my faith, and we have gone on from there.
I would like to specifically encourage those parents out there who themselves did not grow up in a Christian home, but are now raising their kids. Never underestimate the really long-term effect of a really Christian home. Even though I was practically born in a pew, I remember nothing of Sunday School lessons or sermons I’ve heard over the years. But I do remember our family devotions, and watching my parents apply Christ’s word to themselves first and then to us.