What is known about Psalm 119?


“I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies

As much as in all riches.”

“I have inherited Your testimonies forever,

For they are the joy of my heart.”

“I rejoice at Your word,

As one who finds great spoil.”

(Psalm 119:14, 111, 162)

What is known about Psalm 119? It is the longest chapter in the Bible.

It is also known to be all about the Word of God. (And each verse of the 22 groups of verses starts with a different Hebrew letter.)

The psalm is weighted with words such as; obeying, meditating, upright living, learning, righteous judging, longing, rebuking, teaching, clinging, and so on.

It is not, however, all about the rigors of God’s law, God’s Word. There are also recurring themes of treasuring, delighting, hoping, comforting, singing, loving, and rejoicing.

These three verses show how the psalmist saw God’s word as a cause of joy and what it could be compared to.

In verse 14 he says that God’s testimonies give as much joy as all riches. And in verse 162 he rejoices in God’s word like one who finds a treasure.

In verse 111 the joy is not likened to anything it just states that God’s testimonies are the joy of his heart.

One wonders how a person could find joy in God’s law like he would in riches. Riches are tangible; you can do something with them that makes you happy; you can be comfortable with no financial worries; you can travel and experience things you always wanted to but had no means to, etc. How can God’s law compare with these physical things?

It comes down to what one values. Is it important for us to know what God thinks? What does God say about a difficult situation? God created us and He wrote the owner’s manual.

God, the creator of the universe, has spoken to His people. He has let us know how to do things; how to think about things; who is responsible for things; where to look for answers; and on and on. So when we look to the Scriptures, we should hear God speaking to our needs. That in itself should be a joy. We must wrap our brains around this concept that His word is life itself.

All that riches can give is outward. Riches can make you comfortable but does not comfort you. God and His word will do just that. Riches can make you beautiful of face, God’s word can make you beautiful of heart.

When we understand this His word, His testimonies, His law can be


Heather Jean Torosyan


Intro to Joy


Our Response to God’s Intervention