We serve a different God
I found that the greatest witness was to tell people what our Lord required of us. When we fast, don't tell anybody. When you pray don't make a show of it. Some Muslim's, Anwar Sadat was a good example, have a permanent bruise on their forehead to show how often they say their prayers. Many will spread their prayer rugs on the street corner so all may see and be impressed.
A student once said to me, "We Muslims have to pray five times a day, what do you Christians have to do?" I replied we were to pray without ceasing, and not make a show of it. He also mentioned the five duties, and asked what we had to do. That would be "To love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves." I remember the other students listening in, and seeing a light go on, as if, yes, this is much more godly.
There are 99 names of Allah, the merciful etc, but two are conspicuous by their absence. God is not Love and He is not Father.
We serve a different God. We may win them by loving them, not by being like them.
Heather Jean Torosyan