Isaiah 53, Our Lord’s story on earth
He grew up like a tender shoot
Like a root out of parched ground
He was not stately of form
He has no majesty that we should pay attention
He has not appearance that would attract people
He was despised
He was forsaken of men
He was a man of sorrows
He was acquainted with grief
He was the type people hide from
He was despised
We did not esteem him.
He bore our griefs
He carried our sorrows
Even still we viewed him as stricken, smitten of God and afflicted
He was pierced through for OUR/MY transgressions
He was crushed for our/my iniquities
He was chastened for our well-being
We are healed by his scourging
Because we all wandered off like so many sheep, our iniquity fell to him.
He was oppressed
He was afflicted
He did not open his mouth
Like a sheep before its shearer is dumb, he did not open his mouth
He was taken away by oppression and judgment for the sins of our people who deserved it.
His grave was with wicked men
He was with a rich man in his death
He had done no violence
There was no deceit in his mouth
The LORD was pleased to crush him
He made himself a guilt offering
By the anguish of his soul he will justify many
He bore their sins
Because he poured out himself to death he was counted with the sinners, yet he carried the sin of many and ‘interceded for the transgressors.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you LORD. Your lovingkindness is everlasting.
Heather Jean Wilson Torosyan